Where to find Minecraft for free? Sites promising the game without paying never link to working versions, but here where you should go!
Where and how to play Minecraft for free? Here’s the answer with a list of all the verified, working ways to try your hand at building play. There are indeed several small methods today, while the main game remains stuck behind a price of around 30 dollars. But you don’t have to pay.
Minecraft for free: Tutorial to play online
The first way to indulge in the joys of Minecraft is in a completely free version available on the browser. The big advantage is that this Minecraft on the internet works from any computer, but of course the content is not complete!
Indeed, you only have one randomly generated world and the mechanics are limited: no enemy, no menu… However, you can invite your friends using the URL, which is practical for a fast session.
To play Minecraft online 100% free:
- Head to AcemanWolf MC (Server IP – and let it generate the world.
- Depending on your browser and computer, you may have to wait 1-5 minutes
- Click on “Launch a new game”, then on “Exit” if a new window opens.
- You will be redirected to your in-game world, with the option to copy the link to invite your friends.
- Now play this portable version of Minecraft by pressing “Start”!
The controls are simple: left click to destroy a block, right click to alternate between destroying and building the block, space to jump and of course the classic Z, S, Q and D movement controls.

Where to find Minecraft for free on PC, Mac and consoles?
Besides this online version, Minecraft is also accessible for free through rare methods. On consoles, we can already answer you: neither Minecraft on PS4/PS5, nor Minecraft on Xbox, nor Minecraft on Switch are free. The price is fixed on the store and console hacking is virtually impossible… So on these gaming platforms, having Minecraft for free is just not possible.
On PC, however, there are a few tricks you can use to recover it:
- The free trial of Minecraft, which you renew again and again. For that, head to the official site and simply choose your gaming platform. You will have about 1 hour of free play thanks to the account you must create, but nothing prevents you from making a new account at the end of this trial!
- Tlauncher: this is a software that brings together hundreds of features around Minecraft, one of which is to play for free. Take a look at the site and you will find different methods to play Minecraft without paying, thanks to the servers already filled in. Mainly on Minecraft Java.
Unfortunately, that’s all! There was a time when it was very easy to get a free version of Minecraft. Since the acquisition by Microsoft, it is much more complicated.
Minecraft indeed acts against piracy since the instances are now 100% online, which means that only paid accounts can access the servers and communicate with them. However, in the case of Tlauncher for example, the servers you will use are not those of official Minecraft but those of the service itself.

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