If you are an ardent gamer, you would be so frustrated if you do not have a PlayStation 5. However, for any gamer, securing a PlayStation 5 (PS5) is kind of a dream right now if you do not have one. But every problem needs a solution! If Sony, the producer, is not capable of producing PlayStations to satisfy the high demand, we would have to find solutions to get a PlayStation 5 from the amount they produce. Thus, in this blog post, we are going to focus on why PlayStation 5s are still hard to secure and we are going to help you secure a PlayStation 5 as well. So, if you badly need a PlayStation 5 and still could not secure it, do not worry about that. We will help you. Take a read of this blog post!
What is So Special about the PlayStation 5?
The PS5 truly feels like a true generational leap forward in console gaming. Sony’s new platform, with its incredible graphics technology and highly inventive Dual Sense controller, offers a degree of immersion that prior consoles just could not match. The system’s ultra-fast SSD is a gamechanger, loading games in seconds and, in some cases, allowing for new ways to engage with them. Owing to its extensive backward compatibility, fast interface, beautiful game performance, and amazing load times, PS5 is surely so special for a gamer.
Of course, in many aspects, PS5 is a great console. It has an incredible interface. Also, the performance of PlayStation 5 is quite sensational. And its load times are very low. Further, the backward compatibility of PlayStation 5 is also commendable. No doubt, the PS5 stays cool and
quiet during the time you game. And this provides 3D audio for the supported games as well. So, what else can you expect? PlayStation 5 has almost everything that you would expect. But the problem is with regard to securing a PS5.

Why are PlayStation 5s So Hard to Secure?
Of course, there is a very high demand for PlayStation 5s. But why are they so hard to secure? Is it just because of the high demand? No. Actually, the reason for this condition is a chip shortage. You might think that this is a problem of the manufacturer. However, this is due to the outbreak of the pandemic.
Even the world’s most prominent automakers are facing a situation where they cannot efficiently continue their production due to the shortage of the supply of electronic components. Because of that, they are even cutting the production of certain vehicles. It is the exact same reason that has caused the situation with PlayStation 5s being hard to secure. Even the world’s number 1 chipmakers cannot get enough processors to satisfy the demand of their customers.
Because of the pandemic, most people had to work from home. But in actual fact, there is no way of manufacturing chips for a company from home. This shortage of labor has had an adverse impact on a lot of global industries including what we are discussing right now.
It is not just the shortage of labor. The demand went drastically high as well. In the main, schools shifted towards online education. That made them need more devices. And students bought laptops, smartphones, and such necessary devices to get going with the flow. Needless to say, more people were into gaming as well. To break the monotony of staying at home, gaming became increasingly popular. This also was a reason for the demand to rise.
Whatever the case is, the ultimate result of all these is PlayStation 5 becoming hard to secure in terms of our topic of discussion. Let us discuss more. Keep reading!

The Shortage of Chips
In most of the electronic devices that we use nowadays, we have to use chips. That is the problem behind chips becoming scarce. And as we discussed previously, the growing demand is also another reason affecting this.
Everything from the microprocessor chips in your notebook computer to the chips in your phone, or the chips in your Sony PlayStation console, or your TV, or your vehicle, or your refrigerator, or whatever, uses chips. Even a mobile phone has lots of chips. In an automobile, there might be 100
or more separate chips regulating various functions like the engine, the dashboard, the console, the navigation system, and other items. Even things like power windows have microprocessor chips. Of course, it is cheaper to build them with chips than mechanical connections and stuff like that. Therefore, there are chips all over the place.

What to Look for, PS5 Disc or Digital?
When you get the ability to get this hard-to-secure PS5s, you would have to decide whether to get the $499 PS5 with a disc drive or the $399 digital edition. The main difference between the two systems is that the normal PS5 can play physical games as well as 4K blu-rays, whilst with the digital edition, you can only play digital games and stream media.
For those wanting to save money, the digital edition may appear to be the choice. Having a PS5 with a disc drive, on the other hand, gives you access to physical games as we told you, which are more frequently on sale (and maybe purchased second hand) and may end up saving you more money in the long run. You may also trade in any actual PS5 games purchased from stores like GameStop and Decluttr as well.
So, you may understand that there are pros and cons of both. Eventually, it is up to you to decide on this. According to your requirements, you can either go for a PS5 disc or a digital version.

Is it Worth Purchasing PS5 Bundles?
A Frequently Asked Question for many who are looking for PS5 Consoles! However, the simple answer that we can give for this question is that it depends.
Once the consoles are available, some retailers tend to make it a part of an expensive bundle that looks wonderfully attractive at a glance, yet is not worth the cost. Meanwhile, some retailers do offer the console in an actually worthy bundle that would surely benefit you. So, after all, it is up to you to decide whether you are purchasing a PS5 bundle or not.
However, adding up the prices of the things that are included in the bundle, will help you get an idea of whether the cost you incur in the bundle is really worth it. Still, if you are badly in need of a PS5 console, and lose your patience, you can even decide to go ahead with a PS5 bundle. Whatever it is, the decision is yours!

What Should You Do to Secure a PlayStation 5?
So, does PlayStation 5 being pretty hard-to-secure mean that you do not have any chance to get a PS5 for yourself? No, that is not true. There are plenty of ways that you can try in order to secure a PlayStation 5. You must surely be curious to know what those ways are. Do not worry. We will tell you. That is why we are here. Continue reading!
Follow @AcemanWolf on Twitter and Set Up Notifications
As a result of being in touch with PS5 restock updates for all this time, we can certainly mention that Twitter is one of the best sources for you to get reliable and immediate information with regard. You can find daily posts on PS5 restock updates as well as links for stores that would have the console available at that moment. However, when talking about using Twitter to secure your PS5, there is this guy, whom we can never forget! Yes, he is @AcemanWolf
Being an active fellow on Twitter, who would especially tweet about great deals, @AcemanWolf is ready to lend you a helping hand to secure your PS5. So, all you have to do is to follow this account, and sign in for his notifications (just hit the little bell icon on his profile). With this simple step, you would be able to get the latest updates about these PS5 restocks, just within seconds! So, won’t it be a perfect way to secure your PS5 console?
Keep Trying, and Never Give Up!
The demand is really high, it’s not only you that keeps looking for these hard-to-secure PS5 consoles. Hence, once the restock information gets released, many would try to secure their own, jamming the online stores. Besides, even though you get the alert about these restocks, they won’t appear available on the websites, within seconds. So, keep refreshing the websites, and keep your hopes up. Never give up! Your determined efforts themselves will secure your hard-to-secure PlayStation 5.
Of course, you all know very well how hard it is to secure a PlayStation 5. We do not have to keep repeating it. But we gave you some valuable tips. We are pretty sure that if you follow our advice, you will be able to secure your PlayStation 5. Finally, we wish you would get the chance to secure a PlayStation 5 pretty soon. All of us know how interesting life would become with a PS5!

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